Elizabeth Lyon
Elizabeth Lyon nee Woods
Died 12 May 1941
Civilian. Died 12/05/1941. Age 74.
Born 24th April 1867 in Barrow, Suffolk, the youngest of eight children of Stephen Woods and Mary Anne nee Fuller. On 12th February 1889 Elizabeth married William John Lyon and by 1901 they were living in King Street with their six children. Elizabeth Lyon died at her home at 44 King Street during a bombing raid, the house stood where Cross Street is now. Death recorded at Felixstowe Urban District. Eldest son William Stephen died in India 17 Jun 1921 while serving with 1st Battalion Suffolk Regiment. 3rd son Horace William died WW1 and is also remembered on the memorial.
On the 12th May 1941 the local area was subjected to a large aerial attack. "At 0258 hrs eight H.E. bombs all believed to be 250 kg (two of them being unexploded) and about 50 1 kg I.Bs fell amongst houses in King Street and on a field at Walton Hall Farm. Four persons killed, Mary Hood, Charles Hall, unnamed female child Hall aged 2 days, and Elizabeth Lyon. 10 persons seriously injured and 7 slightly injured. 8 houses demolished, others damaged in King Street, Maidstone Road, etc. 280 separate premises damaged." From the diary of Inspector Rush.
King Street in the aftermath of the bombing. Photos courtesy of John Michael Smith.