Elijah William Strange
51859, Private Elijah William Strange, age 22
11th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers
Died 17 February 1917
Private 51859, 11th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers. Died killed in action 17/02/1917 in France age 22.
Born Coddenham, Suffolk 1895, the eldest of four sons of James Strange and his wife Bessie nee Balaam. In 1911 he worked with his father on a farm, Coddenham Green, Ipswich. At the time of his death the family were living at Brickfield Cottage, Hill Farm, Walton.
British operations on the Somme stopped after the Battle of the Ancre (13 - 18/11/1916) with both sides reduced to surviving the winter in the mud fields, waterlogged trenches and shell holes. Once the ground had dried they started moving forwards during January & February forcing the Germans back. They were moving forwards as part of the Actions of Miraumount planned for the 17th February. A thaw had set in on the 16th February turning the surface into deep mud, making conditions treacherous and movement difficult, the Germans bombarded the attack front. The British suffered many casualties & it was at this time Elijah was killed in action. Inscription on headstone reads - “He Did His Duty RIP” Buried at Regina Trench Cemetery, Grandcourt. Died same day and buried same cemetery as Robert Gleadle.

Grave at Regina Trench Cemetery

Royal Fusiliers
Pension Record
Actions of Miraumont 17th to 19th Feb