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Clement Roy Blackshaw Smith

Second Lieutenant Clement Smith, age 19
3rd Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment
Died 28 April 1917

Second Lieutenant, 3rd Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment, attached 6th Battalion. Died 28/04/1917. Age 19.


The eldest of three sons of Clement Charles Smith J.P., and Jessie nee Blackshaw of Walton Hall, Felixstowe.


Commemorated on the Arras Memorial.  Memorial Plaque at Maidstone Road Baptist Chapel


From the 6th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment War Diary

28 Apr 1917 The Battle of Arras - The Battle of Arleux - Berlencourt Battalion assembled for attack (at dawn) on GREENLAND HILL. Objective almost gained. Parties dug in where they could. Suffered from enfilade fire from CHEMICAL WORKS where 34th Div were held up. Lt John Henry Addington LOVE & a party missing after relief by 26th Brigade. Marched to ARRAS after relief & proceeded by busses to BERLENCOURT. Only 58 men actually came out of the attack. Lts Ronald Henry Evan ROSE & Herbert Edward FOSKETT killed. Lts Charles Henry NATHAN & Clement Roy Blackshaw SMITH wounded. Capt Williams again wounded.

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Clement Roy Blackshaw Smith


Bedfordshire Regiment


Arras Memorial

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